It was a long weekend... Thursday, Jimmy had a bit of a temperature, but we just thought he had finally caught the cold/flu symptoms that we all had been passing around for weeks.... So I gave him some fever reducer, and he seemed fine... Thursday night, at bathtime, he complained that his leg hurt. I couldn't see anything, so just thought maybe he was achy, and that would be a 3-year-old's way to describe it...?
But Friday morning, when he got up and I was changing his diaper, he had a large welt, basically at the bend of his leg at the diaper line. So I called the doctor, and we went in at 11:15. At this point, he wouldn't walk on it, because he was crying that it hurt. UGH! It almost looked like a spider bite welt?
Anyways, it turns out it was a bacterial infection that had abscessed (sp?) and they had to drain it! Oh my, he did not like 2 nurses and me, holding him down while the doctor cut it and drained it! They left the cut open, so it would continue to drain. The doctor said it was not uncommon, in toddlers his age, that are still in diapers, to get these type infections... Hhhmmm? All the more reason to potty train, although Jimmy does not want anything to do with that process! HA!
Anyways, long weekend, of him not feeling good, not wanting the wound cleaned, and not wanting to walk... Luckily, by yesterday afternoon he was alot better, and up and about some... We went back to the doctor this morning, says it is looking good and we can just use band-aids now to keep it covered. He still limps a little bit, because it is still sore. The doctor said it would take a week or so for the tight lump to go all the way away...
My poor baby... I think Jimmy is making up for the trio never being sick. You would have thought they would have been, being triplets and being 4 weeks early, but they never had ear infections or anything... Jimmy has had RSV (at 7 weeks) and now this, and numerous ear infections/sinus infections, etc... Poor guy!
Thanks for listening... Hopefully, Jimmy will continue to be on the mend and I can get back to some sewing... :o) Have a great day!